Saturday, November 26, 2011

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

"To be judged fairly, this young man must only be compared to himself"
-Jean Marc Gaspard Itard, 1906
  The Wild Boy of Averyon

"The greatest enemy of children today is poverty."
-Edward Zigler, 2007
 Giving Intervention a Headstart

Why I chose teaching?
"To fix the injustices in the world through teaching."
-Louise Derman-Sparks
The Passion for Early Childhood 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Personal Childhood Web

Grandmother Corine- My grandmother was very loving and caring. She made sure I had three meals a day. She taught me that there are so many ways to show someone you care. Her way of showing her love was with food. She nurtured me by making sure I ate breakfast every morning before going to school. She made me feel special by fixing my plate every morning.

Aunt Linda-My Aunt Linda was my best friend. She was nine years older than me. She would walk me to school every day. During our walk to school, she would listen as I talk about my friends, interests, and my class. My Aunt Linda influenced me by showing me how important it is to listen to children. My Aunt Linda nurtured me by protecting when she walked me to school every day. She made me feel special by giving me a hug before I entered my classroom daily.

Mother-My mother was there with me every night when I would complete my homework. My mother worked during the day so she would spend quality time with me at night. My mother taught me the importance of hardwork and dedication. She nurtured me by reviewing my homework nightly and praying with me. She made me feel special by teaching   me about Christ and education.

Grandpa Andrew-My grandfather was the smartest man I know with only a 6th grade education. My grandfather knew something about everything. He had so much faith in me. My grandfather would tell me that I was smart and I was going to do something special with my life. He influenced me by teaching me that positive words lead to positive actions. My grandfather nurtured me by always complimenting me and making me feel good about myself. My grandfather showed me I was special by always telling me how proud he was of me.

Sister Kristi- My sister Kristi looked up to me. She always wanted to do whatever I did. She would follow me everywhere I go. Kristi was never scared to try anything. She would always do things before I would. Kristi influenced me with her courage. Kristi nurtured my confidence. She would always tell me that I could do whatever I was afraid to do. Kristi showed me I was special by having so much faith in me.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Where the Wild Things Are

I really enjoy reading this book to my class. Everytime I read this book, I remember growing up near the woods and always thinking the little boy down the street had to grow up in the woods because he was so different. As I encounter individuals that act a little different, I always remember that its just the environment. In addition, I use this story to teach my children that everyone is different and it is okay as long as they respect others differences.

Children Matter Too

"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today."
- Stacia Tauscher

This is a quote that I read every morning before entering my classroom. This quote reminds me to just listen to my children and to consider their interests and needs when making decisions regarding their education.

Monday, November 7, 2011


I am so excited about blogging about the fantastic things that are about to happen in Early Childhood Education.